Inspired by anime and motivated through pain, loss, and adversity, Rusi Hashi was introduced in 2021 as an ambitious, young Colombian American music artist. Within the genres of hip-hop, rap, trap, and reggaeton, he creates energizing beats and lyrics to push listeners to feel like the main character of their own stories, and empower them to pursue their ambitions.
The brand’s visuals show the concept of taking charge of your own story, represented through the use of anime-style characters, and realizing your inner power.
The animated gifs act as visualizers to the music to expand the brand and catch the audience’s attention. They further embody Rusi Hashi’s personality as an artist, while also providing the audience with a visual to enjoy as they listen to his music.
The approach toward the designs for Nami and Sora incorporate inspiration from Japanese manga artwork and additional customization of the illustration style to embody the Rusi Hashi brand best.
Fun Fact: The names for these characters were thoughtfully given to relate to the Japanese inspiration, while still maintaining the relatable and endearing tone to connect to the audience best. In Japanese, the name Nami translates to “wave,” and the name Sora translates to “sky.”
The Rusi Hashi merchandise further expands the brand by applying the logos and other brand assets to physical products. This is an exciting method to engage with the Rusi Hashi audience in a way that is fun and memorable.
The Illustrated Sticker Set expands the branding to further encapsulate who Rusi Hashi is as a person and an artist. These stickers can be used for almost any designed deliverable, such as, digital graphics, posters & mailers, shirts, or enamel pins.
The website is about showcasing Rusi Hashi as an artist, so keeping photography and his work front and center takes top priority. Upon entering the website, the viewer can see a striking image of Rusi Hashi, and they have the ability to immediately click a link to his latest single or album. From there the viewer can explore the website to see his latest music, videos, social posts, read his bio, and find his contact information.
The Instagram posts incorporate the brand assets, such as logos, icons, stickers, characters, photography, type, and color, in a way that allows the audience to get a full feel for the Rusi Hashi brand.